
lovely night, lovely cat

I really love this picture. 
My lovely cat-Robby. He's sleeping on my laps, though he's 6 kilo.


Nice to see you again.

It's been a long time since I updated the latest time. How's everything going?
I've got the flu before Chinese New Year. It was really uncomfortable.
Hope everything is going to well to you.

I just thought about my future. I have a lot of plans, but I still can't make up my mind.
It's really a big problem for me. :-(
Forget it! I may find the way for myself one day.

ps. I shoot these two pictures from "Ino cafe". It's a nice coffee shop for reading, writing and talking with your friends.


ps.照片是在勤美前面綠園道旁的"ino cafe"咖啡館拍的,氣氛很好的一家店